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Christian values and high expectations are at the heart of all aspects of our school life. Staff strive to deliver stimulating, fun, engaging and challenging daily learning experiences for our children through the National  Curriculum.


 Vision & Values


Our Vision

At St John's Angell Town CE Primary School we believe every child is a unique gift from God

“Every good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven; it comes down from God” James 1:17)

We value all children as unique and welcome them into our safe, loving and supportive Christ Church family. We nurture children to flourish and aspire to reach their God given potential. We rejoice in our rich diversity and our broad, balanced curriculum provides opportunities for all to achieve excellence, open minds and inspire dreams both now and in the future.

Our Values

‘Three things will last forever – faith, hope and love – and the greatest of these is love.’ 1 Corinthians 13:13

We have three core values - faith, hope and love



Faith gives us confidence, the resilience to challenge ourselves and achieve more.

Faith can move mountains.’ Matthew 17:20



Hope gives us aspirations for our future; to do our best and support each other.

‘But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles.’ Isaiah 40:31



We should Love one another, respect each other and work together.

Love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.’ Colossians 3:14

Ethos at St John's

At St. John's Angell Town C of E Primary School, we believe that each individual is of equal importance in the sight of God.  We recognise the uniqueness of every individual and the contribution that each individual brings to our school community. We are all God’s special children growing together in faith, hope and love. We want all individuals to flourish, so that they can gain knowledge and understanding. We aim to ensure that every child’s special talents are suitably challenged and developed.

We place great emphasis on the development of the whole child.  Academic achievement is highly important. We know that this is one of the keys to unlocking potential and ensuring that future hopes, dreams and aspirations are fulfilled.  The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of each child is given equal value. We know that children (and adults) need to flourish in these areas too, in order to receive a well -rounded school experience.    

We place a strong emphasis on good behaviour and positive attitudes to learning. Taking pride in one's appearance,  demonstrating  good manners and etiquette are attributes we aim to instill within our pupils.   Developing independence and  collaborative working traits are all important in preparing our learners for the future.  We want every child to be able to work well with others, demonstrating social skills,  co-operation and leadership.

We want learners to enjoy their experience of primary school. We want them to be highly motivated, participate fully and fully engage in the wide range of experiences and opportunities that can be accessed at St John's. Our Vision and values and school ethos work hand in hand with our Curriculum Drivers (Cultural Capital, Knowledge-Driven,  Faith Hope and Love, language and Communication, Aspiration). 

At St. John's  we believe it is vital that children learn to serve God, and one another. It is not only what we are taught but how we are taught. Children learn  as much, from our attitudes, our behaviour, our caring for each other and through  our own commitment to God. We must ensure that this is evident in our relationships with each other and through our day to day conduct. 


St John's Angell Town C of E Primary School is an inclusive one-form entry, voluntary aided Church of England primary school. The school has strong links with St John the Evangelist Church . The two establishments sit side by side geographically and metaphorically . The school and the church share common aims and values. There is a long-established partnership between the school and church, spanning more than a century. 

Our Christian ethos underpins policies and practices. Christian values are at the heart of all aspects of our school life, providing a safe and happy learning environment where children are encouraged to develop respect, self-esteem and confidence


We hope all children who come to this school will enjoy their time with us and grow into happy, strong, and lively members of the community.